Prayer, the way to go

Make it your daily activity or your hourly activity to pray; problems are many, temptations are many, stress is a reality, challenges come in torrents. Prayer is the only boat I know we can use to sail above our problems otherwise we might be submerged under the tidal waves of difficulties.

It is true that sometimes we get immensely overwhelmed by life’s battles, sometimes, we have lost some battles, but praying is the only activity that gives us hope of a comeback; prayer, in essence, is the comeback or the genesis of it.
Sometimes we get frustrated by our misfortunes, we get harassed by sorrow and then we try to employ our logic to the challenges we face. Using logic will siphon our faith, will make us question the sincerity and care that God has towards us, but believe you me, prayer is the way to go. We may never find or get the answers we want, but we will always get the comfort we need.

Prayer should not be an event in our lives, it is the way of life. Prayer should not only be conducted at some rendezvous somewhere, there is a spiritual rendezvous wherever you are, God is there, angels are there, you are there. Pray.

Never procrastinate praying for something that gnaws your soul for if you delay, you are worsening the circumstances, you are giving Satan enough time to gather his arsenal to destroy you. Pray…

Prayer destroys spiritual myopia; it widens your experience and understanding of the divine; it widens the horizon of your usefulness in life.

There are no spiritual wrecks in this life. No case is too hopeless. No sinner is beyond redemption. I don’t know the sin you might have committed, or maybe you are saying this sin is too sinful and it can’t be forgiven. Let me say the devil takes advantage of our guilty. Confession is what we need. A sin that is confessed is right away forgiven. How can we confess the same sin a 1000 times. It’s because God forgave us the first time we confessed but we can’t forgive ourselves.

Pray always…. Pray sincerely… Jesus is near.

Author: tafadzwaruwambara

A pastor and blogger

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